Ten Star Massage//Reflexology//Acupressure
Total body management through Massage//Reflexology//Acupressure.
Getting to Know Your Therapist

 I have lived in Stockton all my life. I graduated from Stockton High School in 1979 and attended Rasmussen College in Rockford. Graduating in March 2010 with my Associates Degree of Applied Science in Massage Therapy. I have completed my certification for reflexology in September 2012 by attending the Healthy Soles School of Reflexology in Rockford,Il.

My quest to become a Massage Therapist began seven years ago. Upon realizing how bad my body hurt after abusing it all day twisting in different positions to work under the dash of many vehicles. Incidentally, I have been dealing with this continual self-inflicted abuse for over thirty years, due to my career as a vehicle mechanic. The need for relief from the aches and pains opened my eyes to the many needs for Massage Therapy.I decided that reflexology is a great compliment to massage, so i proceeded with my certification.

My interest started as a dream of one day being a therapist for a big time sports team. Thus began my online search for a school that would take someone that could only attend classes in the evening due to my mechanic career. A search which took a lot of time and patience. It all paid off, when one day an e-mail invitation came from Rasmussen College. They asked me to visit their Rockford Campus and meet with one of their academic counselors. This visit sent my journey into full gear, when in November 2007 I enrolled in classes for Massage Therapy. After a lot of patience and understanding from my family, I graduated in 2010. 

Throughout my journey one discovery hit home the hardest. Massage is not just for those who have muscle aches and pain due to work or sports, but also for relaxation to get away for everyday stresses that we all encounter throughout life.

Away from my work, I enjoy hunting, fishing and relaxing. My favorite way to relax is with family and friends sitting around a bonfire in the backyard. I have been married to my wife Kathi for over 30 years and we have a daughter named Kayla.

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